Bab kawitan kawitan, we would like to thank rumiyin Christopher saka LPK Studio – kanggo desain anyar kita website, this new website is finally up to today’s new web standards and should be visible on your mobile devices.
Kita saestu sante nggarap Christopher iki, lan arang banget efisien, responsif lan sumurup apa kita needed malah sadurunge kita takon
Website anyar iki diiringi dening release anyar, nothing major here but a few bugs had gone the way of the dodo.
- Maneh bisa nggunakake + simbol nang jarwan
- Ing sawetara kesempatan, paragraf dawa durung njaluk terjemahan otomatis tepat saka Google
- Clearing old translations didn’t really work in
Seneng versi anyar, lan priksa manawa sampeyan nganyarke kanggo versi lengkap iki, its free.